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Contacts Night at Design Night Festival

Contacts Night provides an opportunity for architects, internal, landscape and other designers to meet furniture and material suppliers. Interaction is in an informative and inspiring atmosphere. The idea behind Contacts Night was born out of the situation where the material suppliers had news they wanted to share but found it difficult to inform all the specialists who would be interested in that kind of information. Designers, in turn, complain that they are not able to attend all the events that would be beneficial for them. Contacts Night aims to meet everyone’s needs and solve this problem!

On 19.09 at 17–20 

Venue: Rotermann 5 / Rosen 10, Rotemann quarter

Entrance is free of charge

NB! From 20.00 pm entrance with invitations only!


28.09 10:15 FASHION DESIGN PROGRAMME “Design Is in Fashion” today at 17.00Loe edasi
28.09 10:00 Discussion of exhibition "Design Misstakes" today at 12.00Loe edasi
27.09 14:00 DESIGNERS FACEBOOK exhibition now also in internetLoe edasi
27.09 12:15 FUND-RAISING DESIGN AUCTION today at 19.00Loe edasi
27.09 12:00 Design Office today at 12−18Loe edasi
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