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Discussion of exhibition "Design Misstakes" today at 12.00

28.09.2014 10:00

Today at 12.00−15.00 at the cinema Helios (Sauna 7) is discussion of exhibition "Design Misstakes". The aim is to start a discussion over the reasons of the mistakes and characteristics of good design. Is this design understandable? Is it making somebody´s life easier? Is it working? Is it durable? Is it beautiful? 

The idea behind the exhibition is – lessons learned, so we courage everybody to fill the notebook sheets with solutions for improvements.



28.09 10:15 FASHION DESIGN PROGRAMME “Design Is in Fashion” today at 17.00Loe edasi
28.09 10:00 Discussion of exhibition "Design Misstakes" today at 12.00Loe edasi
27.09 14:00 DESIGNERS FACEBOOK exhibition now also in internetLoe edasi
27.09 12:15 FUND-RAISING DESIGN AUCTION today at 19.00Loe edasi
27.09 12:00 Design Office today at 12−18Loe edasi
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