Fashion show „Free Falling“ and Pecha Kucha Night Tallinna No 5
The authors of the Pecha Kucha Night are Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham Achitecture). It is a networking event for designers and creative professionals. A moderate amount of alcohol and a free microphone (20 slides with the length of approximately 20 seconds) are there to help you share your thoughts and philosophy and introduce your works and projects to others. Microphone is given to Pekka Timonen (Helsinki), Asmo Noronen (FIN), Leonardo Meigas (EST), Michael Dumiak (USA), Janek Swierkowski (Poland) and others. Supporter: Embassy of Finland.  About 21.30 Dominik Smuzny´s and Paula Zygarska´s (Poland) performance HYDROGENIUM.
Fashion show Free FallingÂ
Co-collection by Liisa Soolepp and Kristiina Paju will be presented as a performance, which main motive is the feeling of falling – transformation from the state of weightlessness to the heaviness. The two extremes – the feeling of freedom and euphoria during the falling on the one side and the fear of falling on the other side, will be presented as one. The performance is built up on the boarder situation of these two sides – between the balance and the imbalance.
Authors intrest in fashion’s conceptually meaningful creation and perfomance is interpreted through the testing of materials and shapes. As the final results, the knitted and sewn clothing are completed and mixed with knitted accessories.
The author of stage movement is Renate Valme.
Time: 22.09 at 19.30 Venue: Prooviveski, Rotermann Quarter Ticket: 5 euro (includes drinks)