Design Night Chat Room - Powered by PechaKucha
The organisers of Pecha Kucha Night are Astrid Kleit and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture). It is an event where designers and creative professionals can communicate with each other. A moderate amount of alcohol and an open microphone (20 slides with the length of approximately 20 seconds) are there to help you share your thoughts and philosophy and introduce your works. The first Pecha Kucha was held in Tokyo in 2003 and, as of now, it has been organised in 434 cities around the world. Additional information is available at After Pecha-Kucha you are welcome to join the GUERRILLA LIGHTNING! Tickets from Piletilevi 4 €, reduced tickets from Piletilevi 3,2 €, tickets on site 5 €, reduced tickets on site 4 € Piletilevi:öö Ticket sales at Piletilevi end 1 hour before the event starts   |