The visiting-exhibition of Haapsalu´s Graphical Design Festival 2012 "Modern Russian Poster" features works by the great poster artists who are known worldwide and their students who are noticeably more Western in their approach to design. The Russian poster managed to detach itself from the Soviet tradition during the last years of the pervious century when it developed an innovative and unique style which characteristically includes witty brain teasers. At the beginning of the new century, recognition was quick to follow – Europe admired the freshness, courage, sharpness and the air of the avant-garde traditions of the Russian posters. In a stimulating environment, different poster campaigns and euphoric poster-themed big events were organised and the communication with the international poster community which had died out was re-established. The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Eesti Kujundusgraafikute Liit and the Gambling Tax Council. The curator for HGDF 2012 is Marko Kekishev.
Opening: 19.09 at 18 Open: 20.09 -21.10, Wed 12-18, Thu 12-20, Fri-Sat 11-18 Venue: Rotermann’s Salt Storage, Ahtri 2
Entrance: 3/1,5 euro
