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Warm North – warm on the inside

Time: 27 September at 10am-12am
Venue: Tatari 64, IV floor
Warm North creates timeless simple furniture and accessories inspired by the everyday life of the Nordic people, where rough climate meets warm materials.

One of our main objectives is to offer simple and functional utility products made from warm materials which could inspire their users to make their everyday life cosier. We wish that our products which are made from local natural materials would enhance our living environment as a whole.

We invite everyone to visit our pop-up bar “Warm North” to warm yourself from the inside in the rough climate and get to know our products. Internal body warmth is offered for a little extra fee.





28.09 10:15 FASHION DESIGN PROGRAMME “Design Is in Fashion” today at 17.00Loe edasi
28.09 10:00 Discussion of exhibition "Design Misstakes" today at 12.00Loe edasi
27.09 14:00 DESIGNERS FACEBOOK exhibition now also in internetLoe edasi
27.09 12:15 FUND-RAISING DESIGN AUCTION today at 19.00Loe edasi
27.09 12:00 Design Office today at 12−18Loe edasi
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